Unlocking The Buyer's Mind: Get the tools and insights you need to optimize your marketing and maximize your sales

The Holiday Revenue Boost and Customer Checkout Best Practices 🛒

• Marcia Hylton, Marketing Strategy Consultant and Trainer • Season 2 • Episode 4

This episode of "Unlocking the Buyer's Mind" explores the pivotal moment of the online shopping experience: the checkout process.

As the holiday season approaches, discover strategies to optimize your checkout, reduce cart abandonment, and boost your festive sales.

Tailored for marketers and small business owners, we share actionable insights to transform browsers into buyers, ensuring a seamless and profitable shopping journey. Tune in to elevate your e-commerce game and maximize your holiday revenue.

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Peace, Love, and Profit,

Marcia Hylton (00:07.966)
Welcome back to Unlocking the Buyer's Mind, as we usher in the final chapters of 2023 with the vibrant hues of October.

Marcia Hylton (00:18.826)
Welcome back to Unlocking the Buyer's Mind. As we usher in the final.

Marcia Hylton (00:31.21)
Welcome back to Unlocking the Buyer's Mind. As we usher in the final chapters of 2023 with the vibrant hues of October all around us, the holiday season is more than just dates on the calendar. It's a sentiment, a rush of decisions and the culmination of the buyer's journey. I'm your host, Marcia Hilton, and today's episode is a deep dive into that intricate journey and how businesses like ours

can guide customers toward meaningful purchasing experiences, especially during this season. In our last episode, we turned the spotlight on copywriting and how, especially during these times, the right words can set the tone for the journey ahead. As we layer that understanding with the roadmap of the buyer's journey, we uncover nuances that can determine whether the holiday shopping spree is a delightful dance or a chaotic scramble.

Let's visualize the holiday scene. Shoppers are moving around and through a flurry of promotions, offers, and holiday deals. Amidst all of that, the touch points in their buyer journey become crucial. From the very first holiday ad they come across to comparing products over a mug of hot chocolate to finally making that purchase and waiting eagerly by the window for their delivery.

Each step can amplify their festive spirit or dampen their holiday cheer.

Speaking of the buyer's journey, let's, speaking of the buyer's journey, let's take a moment to talk about that all-important.

Marcia Hylton (02:18.806)
But speaking of the buyer's journey, let's take a moment to talk about that all important final step, the checkout process. It's like the grand finale of a fireworks show. Will our shoppers light up the sky with a purchase or will they join the surprising 70% who decide to leave the show early, abandoning their carts? Check the links in the show notes, by the way, for a recent article discussing ways to track and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Now, imagine you're at the checkout and suddenly out of nowhere, unexpected costs pop up. Or perhaps. Now, imagine you're at the checkout and suddenly out of nowhere, unexpected costs pop up. Or perhaps the process feels like you're trying to find your way out of a maze. And then there's the dreaded forced signup. Not everyone wants to commit to an account just to buy that one item.

And of course, if things look a tad bit shady, trust issues can creep in. But here's the silver lining. We can transform this with a dash of understanding and a little bit of innovation. How about we simplify that checkout journey? Let's trim it down to a few easy steps and give our shoppers a little progress bar so they know they're almost at the finish line.

And let's be honest, nobody likes hidden surprises regarding costs. Being upfront and throwing in sweet deals like flat rate shipping can make all the difference. Oh, and a little tip from the wise, always offer a guest checkout option. But if you're feeling a bit persuasive, why not dangle some tempting treats like discounts or faster checkouts for those who sign up and in our age of tech?

Let's remember our mobile shoppers. A smooth, breezy mobile checkout experience is like a warm hug for them. By embracing these little tweaks and touches, we're not just reducing those cart abandonment blues, but also wrapping our shoppers in a cozy blanket of satisfaction. This entire process is more than just transactional. It's deeply emotional, especially around the holidays. As businesses, it's our role

Marcia Hylton (04:42.51)
to ensure that the emotions evoked are positive, memorable, and aligned with the season's joy. Looking ahead to 2024, I wanna bring you closer to understanding your prospects. I'm excited to give you a sneak peek into two segments I'll launch in the new year. First, what buyers want. That's a deep dive into real-world insights, focusing on genuine feedback from shoppers.

We'll explore the triumphs, the challenges, and the unspoken wishes of buyers offering a goldmine of actionable insights for business owners. Our second segment, From Hiccups to Handshakes, we'll explore real-world business experiences. Our second segment, From Hiccups to Handshakes,

Our second new segment, From Hiccups to Handshakes, will explore real-world business experiences. We'll bring in business leaders to share stories of times when things didn't go as planned and how they transform challenges into opportunities. It's about resilience, adaptability, and most importantly, the human side of business. Now, before we conclude, a little note for every business leader, marketer, and entrepreneur listening.

The holidays are a time of reflection, gratitude, and planning. So have you charted out your marketing path for the season? And are you prepared to guide your customers through their buying journey? And are you prepared to guide your customers through their buying journey gracefully and clearly? If there's a shadow of a doubt, or if you're looking for an edge above your competition,

If there's a shadow of a doubt, or if you're looking for an edge, I invite you to watch the holiday season strategic planning webinar that's free and available right now. You'll learn how to forge strategies that resonate with the season's spirit, ensuring that your brand not only sells, but also celebrates. So go to the show notes and grab your spot.

Marcia Hylton (06:56.99)
And as we continue our journey and discovery and growth into... And as we continue our journey of discovery and growth, let's connect more personally. Follow me on Instagram at idealclientweb. As 2023 winds down and 2024 beckons with new promises, let's commit to understanding, emphasize...

Let's commit to understanding, empathizing, and elevating the buyer's journey, because at the heart of every transaction is a story, and it's our privilege to be a meaningful chapter in that story. So, my friends, stay curious, stay connected, and keep unlocking those invaluable insights into the buyer's mind. Until next time.

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